
ANZMP - Ensure quality xml metadata

Note: This page describes historical resources and services.

ANZMP is an online service to validate geospatial metadata documents that purport to conform to the ANZMETA Document Type Definition. The DTD defines the structure and content of dataset descriptions in Australia and New Zealand.

The maintenance of geographic dataset descriptions is enabled by retrieving and processing XML metadata documents. The parser will validate each document to ensure that its structure is sound and that certain content is valid. Presentation documents are also generated in HTML and plain-text format.

The ANZMP parser will ensure that the XML document conforms to the DTD by assessing that the structure of the document is proper and that all required elements are present. The parser will also validate the content of many elements in accordance with the ANZLIC Guidelines for Core Metadata Elements.

Batch facilities are available to automatically process a collection of xml documents by retrieving them across the network. Detailed reports of the processing are available to the metadata manager in a private webspace.

See more detail at