Eco Companion Australasia
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Silent authors

Some Eco Companion members are silent authors ... meaning that they do not publish through the Eco Companion catalogue. Rather, they manage documents in their private space, then transfer the set of consistent documents to their own server. Some organisations manage their dataset descriptions at their own site, and use our "ANZMP geospatial metadata parser" to validate their documents to ensure that the structure and content is correct and to produce presentation documents. These organisations can then have quality documents in the Australian Spatial Data Directory (ASDD).

Batch processing facilities enable you to specify a list of datasets. ANZMP will retrieve each metadata document, validate it, produce presentation documents (optionally insert your own header), and advise you by email when the process is complete.

Some members may also be silent because they are preparing documents in their private space and are not yet ready to publish them through Eco Companion.

Last Modified: 21 November 1998