Eco Companion Australasia
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ASDD services

IndexGeo Pty Ltd develops and manages the Eco Companion Australasia document management service. We develop various online interfaces to geographic information, especially directories and catalogues of environmental and natural resources information.

Prepare your batches of geospatial dataset descriptions, ready for indexing and searching as a node of the Australian Spatial Data Directory (ASDD)

Eco Companion relieves small custodians of the need to install document management software. Members of the service use simple online forms to guide through the process of creating and managing the documents in their own private space until they are ready to publish. Facilities are also available to process batches of dataset descriptions, such as the XML output from the ANZLIC Metadata Entry Tool (MET). The XML documents are validated, some content is checked, and presentation documents are produced.

The online document management services are built using publically available solutions and standards-based approaches. Such facilities allow effective management and discovery of geospatial information resources.

This ASDD dataset description provides concise information about the service. There is also extensive online explanatory documentation.

Custodians with larger collections of geospatial dataset descriptions can have transparent hosted nodes at IndexGeo.

Last Modified: 1 July 1999