Eco Companion Australasia |
Editors choices: Fauna and Animals |
Links in this category of editors choices
cover some of these topics:
fauna and animals, native wildlife, exotic, insects, invertebrates, vertebrates, animal rights, birds
- Environment Australia - Biodiversity Group [aus]
- Biodiversity planning, plants and animals, environments, conservation programs, protected areas, National Reserves System, formerly Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA)
- National Landcare Program (NLP) [aus]
- Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research [nz]
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) [aus]
- Native Fish Australia [aus]
- Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) [aus]
- Amphibian Declines in Australia [aus]
- missing and declining frogs, research, nature and causes of disappearance
- Australian Herpetological Directory [aus]
- Australian Mammal Society [aus]
- Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) [aus]
- habitat atlas, education resources, fund-raising, trees for koalas, pictures, endangered or not
- CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology [aus]
- Birds Australia / RAOU [aus]
- lots excellent information and ornithology links, Directory of Australian Bird Research, list of threatened, extinct, endangered, vulnerable Australian birds
- Department of Conservation [nz]
- Wetlands, Waterways, and Waterbirds [aus]
- National Wetlands Program, Migratory Waterbirds, Ramsar Convention, Important Wetlands Directory
- New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) [nsw]
- parks and reserve management, state recreation areas, nature reserves, Aboriginal sites register, cultural heritage
- Victorian Frog Group (VFG) [vic]
- get involved in conservation, research and education projects concerning frogs, find pictures and sounds, frog calls
- Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service - Frogs [tas]
- Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service [tas]
- natural and cultural resources management, history and heritage, World Heritage Areas, National Parks and Reserves
- Brisbane Frog Society [qld]
- Frogs of Western Australia [wa]
- CSIRO Animal Health - Disappearing Frogs [aus]
- amphibian decline, indicator of environmental collapse, new fungus may be partly responsible
- Earth Sanctuaries Limited (ESL) [aus]
- rare and endangered conservation, reintroduction, habitat sanctuary, ecotourism, ethical investment, remove introduced predators
- Pest Animal Control CRC [aus]
- pest control, immunocontraception, immunosterilisation, limit population, fertility control, european rabbit, red fox, mouse
- Land Channel [vic]
- the window to all distributed government land-related information and services in Victoria
- Australia New Guinea Fishes Association (ANGFA) [aus, png]
- native freshwater fish species, conservation, study, keeping, propagation
- Kiwi Recovery Programme [nz]
- Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc [nz]
- Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (DLPE) [nt]
- Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) [aus]
- environmental rescue effort, coordinated approach, partnership of individuals and communities and governments, funding for environmental activities
- Rabbit Calicivirus News [aus]
- National Feral Animal Control Program [aus]
- European red fox (Vulpes vulpes), goat (Capra hircus), cat, pig (Sus scrofa), European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
- Pest Animals (Feral Animals) [aus]
- National Feral Animal Control Program
- Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) [nsw]
- peak umbrella organisation for community, conservation and environment groups, excellent search facility, links wide range environmental groups
- Canberra Organic Growers Society Australia (COGS) [act, aus]
- links to many relevant organic WWW sites
- Fauna Rescue of South Australia Inc. [sa]
- Caring for South Australian wildlife, rescue, volunteer non-profit organisation, caring for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife
- NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue Service Inc. (WIRES) [nsw]
- non-profit, non-political organisation, network of volunteers who rescue, rehabilitate and release sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife
- Pearcedale Conservation Park [aus]
- conservation education, breeding, moonlit sanctuary, partners for conservation, programs
- Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) [aus]
- independent, non-profit organisation, create reserves to protect habitat and threatened species, establish new populations
- Amphibian Research Centre (ARC) [aus]
- research and conservation, encourage pet frogs and responsible attitudes, frog supplies, education materials
Region codes [aus, nz, ant, ...] indicate the state or country that each site is relevant to.