Eco Companion Australasia
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Acceptable Content Policy


All members of Eco Companion must abide by this Acceptable Content Policy (ACP). These guidelines help to ensure that the collections contain relevant documents. Editors have special powers to oversee the content of the catalogue.

Content is limited to "Environmental resources"

Content of documents must be limited to the broad field of ecological and environmental resources (outlined below).

Automated searches alert editors to offensive material

Automated searching facilities allow the editors to simply define lists of search terms. Searches using those terms will run automatically every day to alert the editors to documents that are considered offensive.

Editors can block access

Editorial staff have facilities to block members from access, remove published documents, and terminate membership.

Editors can see members' private documents

Members will notice that you need to supply your credentials in order to access your documents that are still in preparation. Editors can also visit all of the member folders that hold documents that are otherwise private. Any editor can supply their own credentials to see what you are preparing. In this way, the editors can also assist the higher grade members to develop their documents prior to publishing.

Editors are superusers

Editors are priveledged members, having additional powers and facilities to investigate the content of the catalogue.

Editors conduct topic searches

Each editor has responsibility for their particular field of expertise. They regularly conduct their own pre-prepared searches for three purposes:

Editors can discuss with members

Editors can conduct email discussions with certain members. If a member's document is considered to be off the topic, then they will have blocked access to the document and will need to discuss it with the member. On other occasions, they may suggest modifications, supply style guidance, and suggest keywords to a member to help promote their documents.

Environmental resources

The following list of key words and phrases (together with other similar terms) constitute the broad topic of environmental resources ...

environment, biodiversity, ecology, conservation, catchment management, landcare, scientific studies, flora and fauna, monitoring, observation records, species lists, natural resources, bird watching, frog watching, education, wildlife, forests, sustainable development, renewable energy, passive solar design, alternative fuels, energy-efficient building and construction, sustainable agriculture, biodynamics, marine and coast, oceans and seas, water quality, pollution, geographic information, spatial data, land information,

Last Modified: 11 July 1998